
The workflow in OpenHKL approximately follows the order of the icons in the sidebar: find peaks, filter, autoindex, predict, refine, merge. The Home tab enables experiment creation and loading/saving, while the Experiment tab allows inspection and editing of various aspects of the physical experiment.

The virtual “experiment” is the highest level object, and contains all information from the physical experiment (the data sets), plus any derived/reduced data, such as the unit cell, peaks, indices, and merged data statistics. This object can be saved at any stage in the workflow by returning to the Home tab.


The home tab shows a list of loaded experiments, and allows creation of new experiments, the loading of a saved experiment state and saving an existing experiment state.

  • Create new experiment opens a dialogue prompting the user to name the experiment and select the instrument used. The parameters specific to that instrument are loaded from a YAML-formatted instrument file found with the source code.

  • Load from file loads a hdf5 file containing a saved experiment state.

  • Save current saves the current experiment state as a hdf5 file.

  • Save all saves all experiments in hdf5 format.

There are three tables summarising the state of the experiment on the left hand side of this window.

Data sets





Name of the data set


Name of diffractometer used

Number of frames

Number of images in this data set

Number of rows


Height of image

Number of columns


Width of image

Peak collections





Name of the peak collection

Number of peaks

Number of peaks in this collection

Number of invalid

Number of rejected peaks in this collection

Is indexed


Peaks in this collection have Miller indices

Is integrated


Peaks in this collection have calculated intensities


Labels peak collection as found or predicted

Unit cells





Integer label of unit cell


Name of Unit Cell

Space group

Assigned space group of unit cell



\(a\) cell parameter



\(b\) cell parameter



\(c\) cell parameter



\(\alpha\) cell angle



\(\beta\) cell angle



\(\gamma\) cell angle

Sets of detector images taken at different sample rotation angles can be added to the experiment either via the Data menu or by clicking the “add data set” icon on the home panel. Image data sets can take the form of .tiff images, .raw images or Nexus data sets. After selecting the appropriate option to load data files, the user is prompted to select files, and then in the case of raw and tiff data, enter some metadata parameters via the raw/tiff data loader dialogue.

Tiff and raw data loader parameters




Data arrangement

Row/column major

Whether rows or columns are contiguous in memory

Data format

16/32 bit integer/float

Bit depth and type of pixel value

Swap endian


Swap endianness of data (big/little)

Image resolution


Select image resolution, columns x rows (Raw only)



Downscale image by given ratio (Tiff only)



\(\chi\) angular stepping for sample



\(\omega\) angular stepping for sample



\(\phi\) angular stepping for sample



wavelength of incident neutron beam

Use baseline/gain


Use the baseline and gain specified for the detector


Value subtracted from each pixel before integration


Value dividing each pixel before integration

Unlike raw images, tiff image files include a header containing most of the required metadata, so only information on the experimental parameters will be required. Nexus files contain all the necessary experimental metadata and has no associated loading dialogue.


This panel contains three tabs with functionality that is normally required before the data reduction process is started: strategy, histograms and masks.

There are three tabs on the left-hand panel: Strategy, Histograms and Masks.


The strategy tab contains controls for finding blobs (notionally peaks) in a single image, using those blobs to determine the unit cell, and predicting the completeness of the peaks given a sample rotation angle increment. The Set initial direct beam position controls the point at which the direct beam intersects the detector image. In the first instance, this is assumed to be in the centre of the image, but this may be off by a few pixels. Clicking the checkbox allows the user to drag a resizable crosshair in the detector image panel, which will define the exact direct beam position. The x offset and y offset controls define the offset of this crosshair, in pixels, with respect to the centre of the image.

The Find blobs in this image box allows the user to leverage image processing algorithms from the OpenCV (namely SimpleBlobDetector) library to locate detector spots.

2D blob finder parameters




Convolution kernel

Matrix for image filtering

Filtered image threshold

pixel counts

Pixels with value below threshold are discarded

Minimum blob threshold

pixel counts

Blob is discarded if it contains fewer points than this

Maximum blob threshold

pixel counts

Blob is discarded if it contains more points than this

Search all images

FInd spots in all images in data set

Apply threshold to preview

Show the filtered and threshold image

The autoindexer parameters are described in Autoindexing, but it should be noted that indexing from a single image generally requires masking of ``difficult’’ regions of the detector such as the beam stop, and a good initial guess for the direct beam position.

Strategy peak prediction






Angle increment for sample rotation about \(\chi\) axis



Angle increment for sample rotation about \(\omega\) axis



Angle increment for sample rotation about \(\phi\) axis

Number of increments

Sample rotation increments or images to simulate

d range


Resolution range for predicting peaks


The Histograms tab allows the user to plot histograms of pixel statistics (as opposed to peak statistics).

The Per-pixel detector count histograme allows the user to plota histogram of pixel counts for either the current single image, or for all images (by checking the All images box. Checking the Plot intensity profiles box changes the interaction mode in the detector image to draw a (“Line plot”, “Horizontal slice” or “Vertical slice”) through the image, and plot a histogram of the intensity along that line with the given number of bins.


The Masks tab allows the user to add masks to the data set. A mask is either an ellipse or a rectangle present on all images in the data set, on which detected spots or peaks and integration is not valid. Possible reasons to add a mask can be to prevent peak finding on a the beam spot, or to prevent integration of peaks on heterogeneous features such as seams between detector plates. The Add detector image masks check box changes the interaction mode in the detector image to draw a mask by dragging and dropping, the shape of which is specified in the list (rectangular or elliptical). Masks are displayed in the list below, and the extents of the masks can be fine tuned.

The screenshot above demostrates masking the detector image to exclude invalid regions from the peak search. The beam stop and the seam between detector plates (thin white line in this context) have been masked using the masking tool in the bottom right hand corner, such that any peaks found in these regions will be rejected. The region around the beam stop containing the air scattering halo has also been masked because the heterogeneous background will result in poor integration.

Find peaks

The initial peak search is essentially a pure image processing step, with no crystallographic input. The technique is roughly as follows

  1. Apply an image filter to subtract local background

  2. Apply a threshold to the resulting image

  3. Find connected components (“blobs”) of the resulting thresholded image

  4. Merge blobs that overlap, according to some cutoff

In the first step, we apply a filter which consists of a central circular region with positive weight, and an outer annular region with negative weight. The weights are chosen so that the convolution computes the local average of the circular region subtracted by the average of the annular region, effectively giving a local background subtraction. The radii of the circle and annulus may be specified by the user.

To find connected components, we use a standard blob detection algorithm. In the last step, we compute inertia ellipsoids for each blob, and merge those blobs whose ellipsoids overlap, after a user-defined scaling factor has been applied. The merging process is repeated until there are no longer any overlapping ellipsoids.

The collision detection problem for ellipsoids is sped up by storing them in an octree.

Peak finder parameters





pixel counts

During peak finding, pixels above this value are set to 1, otherwise 0 after filtering

Merging scale


Scale factor for covariance matrix to detect collisions between blobs

Blob size range

pixel counts

Only blobs with counts in this range will be kept

Maximum width


Only blobs spanning fewer images than this number will be kept

Convolution kernel

Type of convolution matrix to use in image filtering


Radius parameters used in construction of convolution matrix

Frame range


Find peaks in this image range

Apply threshold to preview

Switch detector image to filtered and thresholded view

At this stage in the workflow, there are no available profiles to perform profile integration. The found peaks are integrated at this stage using Pixel sum integration, a simple summation of peak pixel counts with a mean background subtraction.

The following three integration parameters are explained in detail in Definition of peak shape . Briefly, however, they are scaling factors that determine the size of the ellipsoids representing the peak and background region. The covariance matrix is scaled by a dimensionless \(\sigma^2\), such that an ellipsoid scaled by a “peak end” of \(\sigma\) contains 66.3% of points in the ellipsoid, 95.4% for \(2\sigma\) and 99.7% for \(3\sigma\). The ellipsoids (projected to ellipses on the detector scene) can be visualised via the “Show/hide” peaks widget.

Integration parameters




Peak end


End of peak region in multiples of the blob covariance matrix

Background begin


Beginning of background region in multiples of the blob covariance matrix

Background end


End of background region in multiples of the blob covariance matrix

Compute gradient

Whether to compute the image gradient

FFT gradient

Whether to use Fast Fourier Transform to compute gradient

Gradient kernel

Matrix kernel to use for gradient convolution

Filter peaks

The filter peaks tab allows the user to remove peaks that meet certain criteria froma collection and save this subset as a new collection. The following controls cause the filter to catch that have:


a specific (hidden) state flag set to “true”

  • Selected — unselected peaks are generally unfit for integration for some reason

  • Masked — a peak is masked if it has been manually highlighted on on the detector view

  • Predicted — the peak has been predicted as opposed to found via the peak search algorithm

  • Indexed — the peak has a unit cell assigned

Indexed peak

been indexed (i.e. have a unit cell assigned)


a strength (\(I/\sigma\)) in the specified range

d range

a d value (Å) in the specified range

Frame range

a frame value (i.e. image number) in the specified range


Remove pairs of peaks for which the intensity region (“peak end”) overlaps an adjacent background region (“background end”). Set these to the same value to remove only overlapping intensity regions.

Rejection reason

Remove all peaks other than those which the selected rejection reason.

Sparse dataset

Remove peaks from data sets which contain too few peaks.

Merged peak significance

Reject peaks which fail a chi squared test. If the probability of a peak having an intensity less than the chi squared of the intensities of the merged peaks of which it is a member is less than the expected variance, it is rejected.

Extinct from spacegroup

Reject peaks that are forbidden by space group symmetry considerations. See Peak Table for a detailed list of options, with explanations.

Note that the peak table contains an extra column on this widget, caught by filter. This allows the user to sort peaks caught by the filter to the top of the peak table with a single click.


The unit cell is determined in this tab using the 1D Fourier transform method [W1], and peaks are assigned Miller indices. A unit cell is required for all subsequent sections of the workflow.

The algorithm works as follows. We are given some set of \(\mathbf{q}\) vectors which lie approximately on a lattice, yet to be determined. To find candidate lattice directions, we take a random sample of directions using the Fibonacci sphere algorithm. For each direction, we perform the orthogonal projection of each \(\mathbf{q}\) vector to the infinite line specified by the direction. We then take a finite number of bins along this line (the way the binning is performed can be controlled by user-defined parameters), and then take FFT of the resulting histogram. The histogram will be strongly periodic when the direction corresponds to a lattice direction, so we identify lattice vectors by taking the strongest Fourier modes of the histograms.

The FFT method produces a finite set of potential lattice vectors. To find a basis, we enumerate over triples of these basis vectors and rank them according to

  1. The percentage of peaks that can be indexed (with integer indices)

  2. The volume of the resulting unit cell

This provides a ranked list of candidate unit cells, from which the user may choose.

Autoindexing parameters




Image range


Choose a limited (contiguous) subset of images over which to index

Resolution (d) range


Peaks with q-vector outside this range will not be used in indexing

Strength range

Peaks with strengths outside this range will not be used in indexing

Gruber tolerance

Niggli tolerance

Find Niggli cell


Whether to find the Niggli primitive cell

Max. cell dimension


Maximum length of any cell vector

Num. Q-space trial vectors

Number of reciprocal space directions to search for lattice vector

Num. FFT histogram bins

Number of reciprocal space bins for Fourier transform

Number of solutions

Number of trial lattice vectors with which to construct triples

Minimum volume


Minimum unit cell volume

Indexing tolerance

Maximum difference between floating point \(hkl\) and integer \(hkl\)

Frequency tolerance

0.0 - 1.0

Minimum fraction of amplitude of zeroth Fourier frequency to accept as candidate lattice vector

The FFT indexing method can be difficult to use correctly because there is no systematic method for reaching the correct solution, and there are many adjustable parameters. As a guide, the follwing tend to have a substantial effect on the success (or otherwise) of the procedure:

  1. Number of peaks/number of frames: using too many peaks/frames tends to result in failure. This is obviously strongly dependent on the nature of the sample. For example, using the BioDiff detector, up to 10 frames, containing no more than 300 peaks seems to be sufficient to index complicated biological crystals.

  2. Subdivisions: The process is strongly dependent on the number of FFT histogram bins.

  3. Q Vertices: This is the parameter that is most easy to systematically vary, since more Q vectors will increase the likelihood of finding one that is parallel to the normal to a lattice plane. Increasing this value will usually (but not invariably) enhance the odds of finding a lattice vector.

  4. Frequency Tol: the FFT algorithm will discard any candidate reciprocal lattice vector whose amplitude is less than this fraction of the zeroth Fourier frequency. Use with care!

The closest unit cell can then be selected as a row from the table of solutions and assigned to a peak collection (usually the collection of found peaks. Note that it is important to find the cell with the correct centering (Bravais type) or the correct space group may not be visible in the list in the Assign unit cell dialogue box. This may require additional experimentation with the parameters.

In practice, the position of the direct beam is the parameter that usually determines the success of this algorithm. In the first instance, OpenHKL will assume that the direct beam position is at the exact centre of the detector image, when it is in fact likely to be off by a few pixels, enough to prevent the algorithm from finding a solution. At this stage, we have no unit cell, so refinement is not an option, leaving the option of manually adjusting the direct beam position. This can be done by checking the “set initial direct beam position” box and dragging and dropping a crosshair in the detector scene. The “x offset” and “y offset” boxes show the offset in pixels from the centre of the image, and the “crosshair size” and “crosshair linewidth” controls offer a guide to the eye when determining the

Adjusting the direct beamm position manually

An example of this procedure is shown above. The air scattering halo in this instance can be used to give a better estimate of the direct beam position, which is off by 2-3 pixels in each direction. This small adjustment is enough to successfuly find the correct unit cell, orientation and Bravais lattice with the default autoindexing parameters.

Shape model

The details of the shape model are explained in Definition of peak shape, but for the purposes of this section it is enough to know that each peak is modeled as an ellipsoid extending over several frames (specifically over a finite sample rotation angle). The shape model is intended to define the shape of peaks which do not have strong intensity regions on the detector image, and whose shape (covariance matrix) is unknown, even though the position of the centre of the peak is known. A shape model is constructed by adding the shapes of strong peaks from a peak collection to a “shape model”; this model can be used to predict the shape of the peak with its centre at given coordinates by taking the mean of the covariance matrix of the neighbouring peaks, within a cutoff.

The first set of parameters determines the shape model, and includes,

  1. The size and shape of the histogram on which to construct the mean profile

  2. The number of subdivisions per pixel to use when binning

  3. The coordinate systems (Kabsch or detector)

  4. The parameters used by the Kabsch coordinate system

  5. Parameters to filter unwanted peaks from the model

  6. Integration parameters for the shape model

The binning scheme for constructing the shape model is described in Least squares integration. Once the parameters are set, the shape model is constructed by clicking Build shape model. The shape model is used later, in assigning shapes to predicted peaks and profile integration.

Shape model parameters




Histogram bins x

Number of bins to sample peak pixels in detector x direction

Histogram bins y

Number of bins to sample peak pixels in detector y direction

Histogram bins frames

Number of bins to sample peak pixels in detector frame (rotation) direction


Number of sampling subdivisions along each axis, per pixel

Kabsch coordinates


Use Kabsch coordinate system to undo effects of detector geometry on profiles

Beam divergence \(\sigma\)

Peak variance due to beam divergence in Kabsch model (\(\sigma_D\))

Mosaicity \(\sigma\)

Peak variance due to crystal mosaicity in Kabsch model (\(\sigma_M\))

Minimum \(I/\sigma\)

Minimum strength of peak to use in shape model

Resolution (d) range


Only include peaks in this resolution range in the model

Integration region type

Switch between variable and fixed-size integration regions

Show single integration region

Display integration region of single clicked peak on detector image

Peak end


End of peak region in multiples of the blob covariance matrix

Background begin


Beginning of background region in multiples of the blob covariance matrix

Background end


End of background region in multiples of the blob covariance matrix

The second set of parameters controls the preview images generated in the “Shape preview” panel. These include the coordinates of the chosen peak (these can also be set by clicking on a peak in the detector image), the minimum number of neighbouring strong peaks in the given radius required to construct a sensible shape, and two radii for neighbour searches, in the plane of the detector image (in pixels) and perpendicular to the detector image (in frames). The weighting scheme determines the weights used in averaging neighbouring strong peaks to construct a profile: this can be set to “none” (a weight of 1), “inverse distance” (peaks further from the reference peak have a smaller contribution) and “intensity” (weaker peaks have a smaller contribution).

Shape preview parameters




x coordinate


x-coordinate of target peak to visualise

y coordinate


y-coordinate of target peak to visualise

frame coordinate

image number

image number of target peak to visualise

Minimum neighbors

Minimum number of neighbouring profile to construct a profile/shape

Search radius (pixels)


Pixel radius in image to search for neighbouring profiles

Search radius (images)

image number

Image radius in data set to search for neighbouring profiles

Interpolation Type

Weighting scheme to use when averaging profiles

A preview shape can be constructed either by clicking on a peak in the detector image, or entering the coordinates of the peak and clicking Calculate profile. Either way, a shape model must have been built beforehand. The preview panel shows two peaks side by side: on the left the reference peak as it appears on the detector image, and on the right, the mean profile as computed by the shape model. The selected peak is highlighted with a red box. This is the shape that will be either assigned to a predicted peak collection (by clicking Apply shape model if such a peak collection exists), or used in profile integration.

Visualising a shape generated from a shape model

An example of a shape generated from a model is shown above: clicking on a peak from the selected predicted peak collection (“target peak collection”) displays the integration region for the shape int he Preview widget, and plots

The beam divergence and mosaicity variances are estimated as in the section on Rotating the beam profile. The beeam divergence variance \(\sigma_D\) affects the spread of the detector spot in the plane of the detector image, and the mosaicity variance \(\sigma_M\) affects the spread in the direction of the frames (i.e. the sample rotation axis). These parameters can be adjusted to control the extent of the detector spots if it seems that the model is not representative of the detector images. Physically, \(\sigma_M\) will change the number of spots on an image since with a higher value they will extend onto more frames, and a higher \(\sigma_D\) will increase the size of the integration regions.

Predict peaks

Given the unit cell, an exhaustive set of Miller indexed reflections can be generated within the specified resolution (d) range, with space group-forbidden reflections rejected (marked in red).

A complete set of Miller index \((hkl)\) triples is generated withing a given resolution range, then for each triple, a reciprocal space vector \(\mathbf{q}\) is computed by multiplying the \((hkl)\) vector by the reciprocal basis. For each \(\mathbf{q}\), the rotation angle at which it intersects the Ewald sphere is located using a bisection algorithm (essentially finding the non-integer frame coordinate at which the sign of \(\mathbf{k}_f - \mathbf{k}_i\) changes, bearing in mind that this can happen more than once over the rotation range.

The position of the direct beam is of crucial importance at this stage. If it is off by a few pixels, the predicted peak positions may be off-centre to an extent that can’t be corrected by least squares refinement. If the direct beam position was set in the autoindexing step, this should not be necessary, but can also be one at this stage.

Direct beam adjustment parameters




Set initial direct beam position


Add a draggable crosshair to the detector image to adjust direct beam position

x offset


Offset of the direct beam relative to the image centre, x direction

y offset


Offset of the direct beam relative to the image centre, y direction

Crosshair size


Radius of the crosshair

Moreover, now that the approximate unit cell is known, the beam position can be adjusted by refinement, as discussed in Refine.

Direct beam refinement parameters




Found peaks

Peaks from image analysis step

Number of batches

Split peaks into this many batches, sorted by rotation angle (i.e. image number)

Maximum iterations

Maximum number of steps for least squares refinement

Show direct beam

Add a black circle to the detector image indicating the direct beam position

Peak prediction requires only a unit cell and a resolution range over which to limit the predictions.

Peak prediction parameters




Unit cell

unit cell used to predict peaks

Maximum resolution (min. d)


Upper resolution limit for predicted peaks

Minimum resolution (max. d)


Lower resolution limit for predicted peaks

At this point, the predicted peaks (detector spots) have a position, but no shape. A saved shape model (generated in Shape model) can be applied to the predicted peaks.

For the purposes of refinement, it is extremely important to assign a shape model to the predicted peak collection. Each peak can be considered to be an ellipsoid in real space (see Definition of peak shape), and the detector spots are ellipses where the ellipsoid intersects the detector image. In general , the principle axes of ellipsoid will not coincide with the plane of the detector image, and as a result the ellipse for a single peak will generally have differenct centre coordiinates on each frame on which it appears (this results in the “precession” of the spot across the detector if one scrolls through the images). If we do not have a good initial guess for the shape of the ellipsoid before refinement, then it will be impossible for the refiner to improve the positions of the detector spots across all frames. This can be seen by comparing the integration regions of a predicted peak before and after the shape model is assigned.

Shape of a single predicted peaks before the shape model is applied
Shape of a single peak after the shape model is applied

If a shape is not assigned, the predicted peak retains its default shape (spherical), which will be grossly inaccurate. Note that the above window can be opened by double clicking on a peak in the detector image.


In this tab, nonlinear least-squares minimisation is used to find the unit cell and instrument states that best fit the given peak collection. The instrument states optimised are the detector position offset, the sample position offset, the sample orientation offset and the incident wavevector.

Since detector images are generated over a period of time as well as over an angular range, the conditions of the experiment may have changed between the first frame and the last, for example, the temperature, which would affect the unit cell. As such the peaks are refined in batches, each encompassing a few frames in a limited subset of the angular range of the experiment. For example, if we specify 10 batches for an experiment with 100 frames (detector images), we will get 10 batches of equal numbers of peaks in partially overlapping but distinct angular ranges.

The change in each of these quantities can be plotted as a function of frame (or equivalently angle) in the bottom panel. The per-frame values for the unit cell and each instrument state before and after refinement are visible in the tables.

The refinement uses the non-linear least squares minimisation routines from the Gnu scientific library (GSL). The free parameters as determined by the checkboxes under parameters to refine are varied such that the sum of residuals is minimised. These residuals can be computed in two ways, and can be changed using the residual type combo:

  1. Real space — the residual is computed as the difference in real space (i.e. detector coordinates) between the integer Miller indices and floating point Miller indices.

  2. Reciprocal space — the residual is computed as the difference in reciprocal space between the integer Miller indices and floating point Miller indices.

These are described in [W2].

Refinement parameters




Use refined cell


Use per-batch unit cells from previous refinement

Number of batches

Split peaks into this many batches, sorted by rotation angle (i.e. image number)

Maximum iterations

Maximum number of steps for least squares refinement

Residual type

Reciprocal or real space residuals

Cell vectors


Refine unit cell vectors

Sample position


Refine sample position offset

Sample orientation


Refine sample orientation matrix

Detector position


Refine detector position offset

Incident wavevector


Refine direct beam position

After refinement, clicking Update in the Update predictions panel will update the peak centre coordiates that changed as a result of unit cell and instruement state refinement. The change in peak centre coordinates after refinement is usually significant, as shown in the example below (pre-refinement positions are shown in dark green, post-refinement positions in light green).

Peak centres before and after refinement

Note that floating point Miller indices are generated from the “found” peaks, the peaks derived from image processing. The predicted peaks by definition have integer Miller indices, and are purely a function of the unit cell and instrument states. Thus the peak collection undergoing refinement will always be a “found” collection.

Under the tables tab, the values of each free variable is shown before (left) and after (right) refinement. By switching to the detector tab, the change in the peak centres before and after refinement can be visualised.

Integrate peaks

In this section, the peaks, usually a set of predicted peaks, are integrated to compute their intensities and variances (sigmas). Integrating a predicted peak collection using the basic pixel sum integrator is somewhat flawed because many (indeed, most) of the predicted peaks will have intensities that are difficult to distinguish from the background, and simply summing the pixels and subtracting the background will give a basic estimate. Profile integration can improve on this; here we use “profile” as a catch-all term to encompass all integrators implemented in OpenHKL that are not the pixel sum integrator. These integrators will usually improve the integration results, with a judicious parameter choice.

Note that only the parameters Peak end, Background begin and Background end apply to pixel sum integration; the rest are specific to profile fitting integration.

Integration parameters




Integration region type

Switch between variable and fixed-size integration regions

Peak end

\(\sigma\)/pixels (see below)

End of peak region in multiples of the blob covariance matrix

Background begin

\(\sigma\)/factor (see below)

Beginning of background region in multiples of the blob covariance matrix

Background end

\(\sigma\)/factor (see below)

End of background region in multiples of the blob covariance matrix


Select from Pixel sum or profile integrators

Fit peak center


Adjust peak centre coordinates during integration

Fit peak covariance


Adjust peak covariance matrix during integration

Remove overlaps


Reject peaks with overlapping peak areas

Remove masked peaks


Remove peaks intersecting detector image masks

Compute gradient


Compute the image gradient (Pixel sum only)

Gradient kernel

Convolution kernel to use when computing image gradient

FFT gradient


Use Fast Fourier Transform to compute the image gradient

Discard saturated


Discard peaks containing saturated pixels

Maximum count


Count threshold for discarding saturated pixels

Maximum strength for profile integration


Only profile integrate strong peaks

Maximum strength


Strength threshold defining a weak peak, to be profile integrated

Search radius (pixels)


Pixel radius in image to search for neighbouring profiles

Search radius (images)

image number

Image radius in data set to search for neighbouring profiles

Minimum neighbors

Minimum number of neighbouring profile to construct a profile/shape

Interpolation Type

Weighting scheme to use when averaging profiles

Shape model

Shape model to use for profile integration

The integration region type can be switched between a variable integration region and a fixed integration region. For the former, the covariance matrix of the peak, \(\sigma\) is the starting point. \(sigma\) is scaled by a factor to define the integration region bounds; for example, the default “peak end” value, i.e. the end of the peak region occurs at \(3\sigma\), meaning the covariance matrix is scaled by a factor of three, and thus according to Gaussian statistics, contains 99.5% of counts in the peak. The background begin and background end scaling factors determine the beginning and end of the background region in a similar way. The construction of the integration region is described in Definition of peak shape. When the fixed ellipsoid integration region is selected, the definiteions of these parameters changes. Peak end is now in units of pixels, and determines the size of the peak region ellipsoid. If a value of r is given, the ellipsoid is scaled to have a volume equal to a sphere of radius r. The background begin and background end are now simple scaling factors for the covariance matrix, with a value of 1 corresponding exactly to the peak end limit.

Example of integration of a collection of predicted and refined peaks

The Fit center and Fit covariance options apply only to pixel sum integration, and set the peak centre coordinates and covariance matrix to be those of the blob of pixels (notioinally an ellipsoid) found during integration, rather than the ellipsoid specified as the peak shape.

The remove overlaps checkbox will remove any instances of the peak (intensity) region of a peak intersecting with an adjacent peak region, since this will obviously result in inaccurate integrated intensities for both. Note that peak pixels are automatically removed from local background calculations, so background calculations are not ruined by intruding peak intensity regions. It is also possible to prevent overlaps by modifying the integration region parameters “peak end”, “background begin” and “background end”. These respectively affect the scaling of the peak region, the start of the background region and the end of the background region respectively. The remove masked checkbox ensures that any peaks intersecting a masked region of the detector image will be rejected.

The Compute gradient checkbox enables computation of the background gradient, and is only available during Pixel sum integration. The selected kernel is convoluted with the image, resulting in a gradient in the x/y direction, i.e. only in the image plane. This can be done in real space, or more efficiently in reciprocal space using the FFT option. The background gradient can be used as a rejection criterion later in the workflow.

A 16 bit detector image (for exmple) can hold a maximum of 65535 counts per pixel, so if the detector image is overexposed, pixels will overflow and be saturated. “saturated” pixels. Such pixels will result in incorrect integrated intensities, so in cases where an accurate integration is required, peaks containing such pixels should be rejected.

The remaining options apply only to profile integration.

The pixel sum integrator will attempt to integrate all peaks in a collection, but profile integrators will only generally be used to integrate weak peaks with a low signal to noise ratio. This is because (image resolution and finite sample rotation angle notwithstanding), pixel sum integration is more reliable for strong peaks than profile integration, because weighting pixels using a mean profile will only degrade the quality of a well-defined peak. Therefore, when profile integrating, it is generally advisable to only integration weak peaks by setting a strength threshold. This can be achieved by checking the Maximum strength for profile integration and setting the maximum strength threshold appropriately. Given the correct baseline and gain for the instrument, this should be of the order of one.

The Search radius controls determine the search radius for neighbouring profiles (i.e. strong peaks) to use to construct a mean profile for the given peak. A minimum number of peaks to construct a mean profile can also be specified. The Peak interpolation combo sets the type of interpolation to use when computing the shape of a peak. A predicted peak is given a shape that is the mean of all found peaks in a given radius of pixels on the detector image and rotation increments (i.e. frames). When computing the mean, the neighbouring peak contributes with a weight determined by the chosen peak interpolation method. For none, all peaks are given a weight of 1.0. For inverse distance, the neighbouring peak is given a weight of the inverse of the distance from the reference peak in reciprocal space, i.e. peaks that are further away in reciprocal space have a lower weight. For intensity, the neighbouring peak is weighted by its intensity divided by its variance, i.e. weaker peaks have a lower weight.

Merge peaks

This section displays the results of the data reduction process: a set of indexed and integrated peaks, with statistics to determine whether the process yielded a sensible result. The quality statistics are visible in the D-shell statistics tab, and all peaks in their merged and unmerged representations in their respective tabs.

The interface makes it possible to merge two peak collections, although only one is normally used. By selecting a peak collection in peak collection 1, any symmetry-related peaks are merged into one; the number of peaks merged is the “redundancy”. The R-factor CC quality metrics are meant to sanity-check the data, which are available to save in a merged or unmerged representation.

D-shell statistics tab

The data quality metrics described in Measures of Data Quality are computed under the “Merger” tab, and tabulated as a function of resolution shell (including a row for the whole resolution range). These measures can be plotted as a function of resolution in the panel at the bottom.

The sphere in q-space defined by d range is divided into a number of concentric resolution shells of equal reciprocal volume, determined by number of d-shells. For each shell and the overall volume, R-factors and CC values are calculated, allowing the user to determine the maximum resolution (if any) to which the data set is reliable. The merge is controlled by the following parameters.

Merge statistics parameters




Resolution (d) range


Limit merged peaks to this resolution range

Image range

Limit merged peaks to this range of images

Num. resolution shells

Number of resolutions shells into which to divide reciprocal space

Space group

Space group of the unit cell

Include friedel


Include the Friedel relation if not part of the space group

Plot y axis

Select statistic to plot on the graph, as a function of resolution shell

Example of merge d-shell statistics

Not that it is possible for the user to only merge peaks in a specific frame range; the rationale for this is that it may be better to ignore peaks on the first and last frames, for which it is impossible to interpolate the frame coordinate.

The tabulated statistics are comprised of the following fields:

Merge statistics table fields




Maximum value of d for this resolution shell


Minimum value of d for this resolution shell


Number of observed peaks in this shell


Number of merged (symmetry-unique) peaks in this shell


Average peak redundancy (nobs/nmerge)


see Measures of Data Quality

Rmeas (est.)

see Measures of Data Quality


see Measures of Data Quality

Rmerge/Rsym (est.)

see Measures of Data Quality


see Measures of Data Quality

Rpim (est.)

see Measures of Data Quality


see Measures of Data Quality


see Measures of Data Quality


Number of valid peaks / theoretical maximum number of peaks

A high quality data set will have R-factors close to zero, CC values close to one and a completeness close to 100%.

Merged representation tab

A list of merged peaks is displayed in this section.

Merged representation table fields




h Miller index


k Miller index


l Miller index


Mean integrated intensity of unmerged peaks


Variance of integrated intensity of unmerged peaks


Redundancy of this peaks (number of symmetry equivalents observed)


Chi-squared of intensity


Probability that inensity takes a value less than the chi-squared

The merged peaks can be saved to CCP4 (.mtz), ShelX, FullProf or Phenix format. The Phenix format is fixed width, and some instruments such as BioDiff have a photomultiplier, meaning that one count on the detector corresponds not to one neutron, but some factor greater than one. This can cause the intensities to become too large for the column, and make them unreadable by Phenix. The intensity scale factor control allows the user to post-multiply the intensity and its associated variance by some factor such that the columns no longer overlap.

Unmerged representation tab

A list of unmerged peaks is displayed in this section.

Unmerged representation table fields




h Miller index


k Miller index


l Miller index


Integrated intensity


Variance of integrated intensity of unmerged peaks


x coordinate of unmerged peak (pixels)


y coordinate of unmerged peak (pixels)


frame coordinate of unmerged peak

The unmerged peaks can be saved to CCP4 (.mtz), ShelX, FullProf or Phenix format. The Phenix format is fixed width, andsome instruments such as BioDiff have a photomultiplier, meaning that one count on the detector corresponds not to one neutron, but some factor greater than one. This can cause the intensities to become too large for the column, and make them unreadable by Phenix. The intensity scale factor control allows the user to post-multiply the intensity by some factor such that the columns no longer overlap.


I. Steller, R. Boltovsky, and M. G. Rossman. An algorithm for automatic indexing of oscillation images using fourier analysis. Journal of Applied Crystallography, 30:1036–1040, 1997. doi:10.1107/S0021889897008777.


A. G. W. Leslie. The integration of macromolecular diffraction data. Acta Crystallographica Section D Biological Crystallography, 62:48–57, 2005. doi:10.1107/s0907444905039107.

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